This tasty quinoa bowl with spicy roasted pumpkin is gently spiced by ginger, turmeric, and red chili flakes. It is easy, nutritious and delicious; and makes a hearty & filling gluten-free vegan meal!
Drizzle wedges with dressing.
Roast pumpkin wedges until the edges are beginning to brown
Remove pumpkin from the oven and let cool while you prepare the quinoa.
In a medium saucepan on high heat add quinoa and spices.
Bring water to a boil, When all water is absorbed, turn off heat and let sit covered while your prepare your roasted pumpkin.
When ready to serve, to a bowl add a healthy portion of quinoa, top with roasted pumpkin cubes, sprinkle with greens, and drizzle with your sriracha sauce.